raggedy ann, meet the space cadet

raggedy ann meets space cadet Le sister-in-law pulled the jumper from the rack at the thrift store, and instantly we were in mad, mad love. It's surprisingly warm because it creates a sort of warm air pocket around the wearer. AND it has pockets. Giant, huge, deep pockets that are not located on the fattest part of my thighs. I could actually carry stuff in them. You know, I'm seriously considering making smocks a sort of uniform.
black sweater: thrifted
white pinafore: thrifted
yellow pants: H&M
black boots: Christmas gift (aldo)


Anonymous said…
Smocks are supposed to be one of the easier items of clothing to make. Your pic has me thinking I should buy some fabric & get started.
joy said…
This photograph terrifies me slightly. Clearly, I'm not very fashion-forward thinking because when I see thsi photo, I don't think "creative!" all I can think of is a jazzy walmart worker with the wrong color smock.

Then again, I would still be wearing light blue eyeshadow with silver eye liner had I not been rescued so you can just ignore me.

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