sharing the love

my most favorite Marisa* sent me this link, and I couldn't resist passing it along. Love the idea!

*Ok, so she's the only Marisa I know. But she can still be my favorite! Also, that totally hot guy pictured on her blog is her husband, who is my husband's cousin. So technically we're related, in a very tenuous way. However, this doesn't make me predjudiced. Not at all.


joy said…
Is this cousin brother of the bearded cousin studying art?
VDOprincess said…
It is indeed. Although said beared cousin seems to rotate between being barefaced and wooly. Not sure what his current folical status is.
Marisa said…
husband's cousin's wife is such a mouthful, isn't it? i wish there was an easier way to explain you to people. :)

also, on a slightly related side note, sometimes when I'm talking to the husband and I say "Laura said" or "Laura posted", he STILL gives me this bewildered look, like WHO'S LAURA?

joy said…
You two need to have your own little reunion. Nevermind you aren't *really* related. If a love of fabulous shoes doesn't make you blood relatives, this institution of "family" is nebulous at best.

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