Read: Open Your Eyes

by: Alexandra Stoddard
Ms. Stoddard has years and continents worth of experience in the field of home decorating and design, a fact she alludes to with frequency. Notwithstanding her occaisionally irritating "very knowledgable" attitude, this volume is based on that simplest and yet rarest of all skills: learning to see clearly.
Specific decorating tips are rare. Instead, this book focuses on giving on the tools to make wise decisions regarding living spaces. Proportion and scale, symmetry and order, form, pattern, and depth are all covered in detail, making this book a tool rather than an idea book.
Illustrated throughout with pen and ink sketches, the center photographic section is fillied with pictures from the author's home and one project. Living in one of these rooms would kill me, filled as they are with "beautiful things." However, this doesn't negate what she has to say about seeing and appreciating beauty in everyday life. This volume is a valuable tool for anyone interested in filling their life with beauty, and a strangly refreshing read when the logistics of building a beautiful home become overwhelming.


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