more weddings

So I was in Michigan last weekend, shooting this wedding:
the garter

The bride was a dear girl who I only know online. Apparently she wanted me as the main photographer but the groom wasn't sure, having never met me. So I got to be her own personal photographer and follow her around all weekend and take candids. Can you say "fun"??? I didn't have to do a single formal shot! 'Twas lovely. Plus I finally got to meet Christy in person, and she is AMAZING. One of the sweetest, most genuine people I have ever met. I totally want to hang out with her now, and absolutely adored her sisters. So crazy fun!

So the weekend before was this wedding:
sweet kisses

This one was a backyard wedding, and it was gorgeous. The bride and groom were super easy-going and we had a ton of fun working with them. Katy was just very unselfconcious and joyful, and it was awesome to see how much her new family adored her.

So this week, I'm putting together an album, doing a couple of practice photo shoots, eating too many Butterfingers, reading book six of Harry Potter, playing with my kitten, and driving to Ohio to get the girls. Hooray! Life is good.


Lauryl Lane said…
your photos of christy and brian's wedding are fabulous. i have always adored christy and amanda... they were some of my first "ATI friends" way back in the day... so i have a question, have you ever done a really nice digitally printed photo album? not the kind that you can do on mypublisher or kodak, but the kind that has the thick board pages? i saw an amazing album at a venue recently and decided that i need to make one like that of all my different weddings as a really high-end portfolio to take to consultations. but online i am find that they are EXPENSIVE. like, over $500 each. do you have any secret sources?
Anonymous said…
So does this mean when I get married you'd be willing to come back to OH? Cause I love your photography and almost cried when you moved. :(

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