wednesday wonderfulness, the "try not to talk about diapers" edition
So...yeah. Started back to work last week. At one of the jobs. The other one doesn't kick in until Monday. Still juggling all that. Ok, on to the good stuff.
- Where to eat in NYC. Still haven't made it to Prune. That's on my next trip, I SWEAR.
- A wine snob searches for good cheap wine. Loved this.
- gorgeous car pictures!
- Four hour baguettes! My husband LOVES crusty breads...
- what to do with your instagram images.
- Tried making these this week. SO GOOD.
- hahahah. Translating chinese tattooos.
- binding a scrapbook with tape. Good to know.
- hanging a map. This is awesome for posters as well, I think.
- detailing your car like a pro. Awesomesauce!
- lovely streamers!
- bwaahaahaa. State home for manic pixie dream girls.
- these. pictures.