a good day's work!

So at our store we are the official cupcake allstars; we love us some cupcakes, and we sell them like nobody's business. For some obscure reason, however, corporate doesn't send us any marketing materials to use in drivethrough. My boss asked me to put something together, and I jumped at the chance to play around with food photography. I think I like "meet the trio" best, despite some technical flaws. You? 


Rosanna said…
Yes... love "meet the trio" Now you're making me strongly desire a cupcake. NOW.
joy said…
I like meet the trio. Would menage a trois be too racy? It would be hilarious. :D
Lauryl Lane said…
I would like to meet the trio right now. I would also like to go beg Starbucks to give me a job as my lack of income is currently giving me an ulcer. You make a mean poster! ;)
Gabrielle said…
yes, like everyone else said, I like the "trio" one. It shows off the texture of the cupcakes better, I think.
lsaspacey said…
I always bother my "local" as to the fact that they should offer cupcakes year-round. Thanks for letting me know they're there now. I like meet the trio the best.

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