wednesday wonderfulness, the BIG GIANT LINK PILE edition
I've been trying to do one of these posts since well before Christmas, as evidenced by the age of the some of the stuff I'm linking to. I'm sorry posts have been so sporadic. Ah, well. It's still good, and I'll use some of it next year, perhaps.
- perfect cocktails for holiday parties. I feel that perhaps one of these shall be featured at our annual oscar-watching party. Which yes, we're already planning.
- I love this party soundtrack.
- not sure how to define this, except, lovely. And inspirational.
- feel the fear, do it anyway. My mantra for the year.
- not normally a keira fan, but I love the styling on this shoot.
- and I kinda want to wear some of these outfits.
- I don't know if this is a joke or not, lame. And it could have been so funny! Meter, people. It's your friend.
- for next year: amazing wrapping paper.
- ahhhh! love the styling. Yes, I'm obsessing over bardot hair right now.
- also want access to this building.
- how to write a funny facebook status message. Helpful tip: copy someone else. please tell me no one actually googles this subject? please?
- rainbow, um, ladypart cupcakes. OH YES.
- amazing leather flowers. Necklace, perhaps?
- this house is so gorgeous. WANT.
- hmmm. lens review. I think I need this one next.
- I feel like I should carry a few of these in my camera bag. (Check out the rest of their products! So clever.)
- teeny tiny stop motion.
Wow. That was quite a pile. Enjoy!