where I've been

I'm sorry it's been so quiet around here; there are lots of reasons, not the least of which is that sitting at my computer means that I freeze to death (nearly). But the big thing is: we're *this* close to buying a house of our veryvery own. You don't know how exciting this is to me, even though the one we're looking at is a major fixer-upper--it will be our house. Also, it's on 3.3 acres of land, and is a complete steal.
So that's what I'm obsessing about right now, and I really cannot think about anything else. Keep your fingers crossed as we try to figure out the financing!

(side note: the picture is of oatmeal raisin cinnamon chip cookies I made today. They're good.)


Anonymous said…
those cookies look so good. Could you post the recipe?
Kelly said…
Hurrah! on the house purchase. Although, I have to admit, scenes from the movie Money Pit are floating through my head just now . . .

Mmmm, cookies.

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