
Showing posts from 2011

brain dump

confession of an increasingly pregnant lady

on a happier note

things no one prepared me for about being pregnant

what I'm obsessing over right now

preggo outfit again!

what I wore, the baby bump chronicles

to do

wednesday wonderfulness, massive edition


movies currently in our local theater that I REALLY want to see

currently loving

in memory

shoe envy

in which I try to make things photogenic

some color for your day

wednesday wonderfulness

starting on the Christmas shopping

happy pretty lovely!

wednesday wonderfulness, not much else happening around here

like toys for your fingers

wednesday wonderfulness, it's been a while

today I love

wednesday wonderfulness

sometimes I buy shoes

wednesday wonderfulness

warning: will make you want to travel

summer is almost gone

my legitimate excuse for lack of posting

wednesday wonderfulness

currently loving

and while we're on the subject of animals

weekend sale!

part of where I've been

wednesday wonderfulness

shoes to change the world

wednesday wonderfulness, I feel guilty for even posting this

ways to waste time on a Monday

friday wrap up
