
Showing posts from 2008

best of 2008

goals 2009

Christmas present pictures at long last!

a christmas tree!

wednesday wonderfulness

another chance to vote

maybe a new favorite song or two?

review: Australia

I so wish I had taken these

wednesday wonderfulness, the craaaazy edition


my grown up christmas list

do bloggers dream of unlimited shoes?

today I'm thankful

glove love

shop now open!

since I knew you were coming I baked a cake

wednesday wonderfulness, a day late

swf iso lbd

report from the art show

in defense of my slackerliness

in which she wishes her feet were smaller

news non-flash

more boringness

what to wear for a parade?

going to return day

wednesday wonderfulness, volume 15

pictures of the two of us!

what I wore on election day

an apology

the rest of the pictures are up!