hit me with your best shot


Someone asked the other day what my favorite image from this year is, and after a lot of thinking I had to go with the one above. It's radiant, the light is perfect, and the whole image feels a little surreal to me. But this left me thinking: what's YOUR favorite picture from this year? I decided to turn this into a bit of a contest: leave a comment on this post with a link to your favorite photo that you've taken this year. It doesn't have to be the BEST, just your favorite. Leave an explanation with the link, telling me why it's your favorite. Maybe it captures a happy moment, maybe it's the first picture you took of your new baby, whatever. Leave the link and the explanation, and I'll draw a name at random from all the comments. The winner gets a 5x7 of their choice: any of the images from my flickrstream.
I'm giving you all until the end of the year, so you have two weeks to pick or even take your favorite picture. I'm looking forward to getting a peek into the highlights of your year, dear ones!


ShellyLynn said…
I don't even know how to pick my favorite picture. This one ranks up there though because I love how Isabella adores her daddy and wants him to blow bubbles with her. Too precious??? I think so.


This was my favorite of the year though when it comes to an undistracted picture of just Isabella and her sweet face.

VDOprincess said…
gorgeous, shelly!
carla said…
I don't claim to be a photographer at all, but I love having lots of pictures to play with. Here is my favorite.


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