attack of the sequinned strawberry

By the way, don't you think "sequinned strawberry" sounds the subject of some particularly obscure manga?
So, I told my sisters yesterday that I was wearing a GIANT STRAWBERRY on my chest, and not just any strawberry, but a SEQUINNED one, and they immediately threatened to disown me. I think that what with all this old-lady cruisewear I've been sporting, I should look for a spot as a spokesperson.
::interject: I can see my husband through the office window, hanging up laundry while shirtless, tanned, and wearing the cap that's required for highlights. The strings are dangling on his chest in a most charming manner. ::
So anyway, I had to post a picture of my sequinned attire.
strawberry tank: thrifted
white tee: gap
skinny jeans: H&M
black belt: express
green flats: payless (!!!)
I'm standing on the porch railing as a storm blows in, trying to look cute! And manga-esqe! and pixieish!
1) This picture totally makes me want to buy skinny jeans. You look great in them!
2) When in the heck did PAYLESS start carrying adorable shoes? I stopped in there today and was ::thisclose:: to buying those green flats. I ended up buying these white wedges instead, but it took a lot of restraint.
3) Watching my husband sport the little bonnet is why I highlight his hair!
Perhaps not as obscure as might be desired. O: But SUPER-CUTE! ;-)