creeping back into the spring sunshine

I'm so sorry about my absence of the past few days; I've been prone upon the couch, alternately shaking with chills or drenched in sweat (seriously. it was disgusting.) and just generally being miserable. On the bright side, I did lose ten pounds. Living on water and juice will do that for you. Yes, I know I'll gain it back as soon as I start eating, but for the moment I'm enjoying it by wearing my skinny pants.
Also thanks to you, my dear readers. For the past few months hits have been increasing by about 500 per month, so I was looking forward to topping 4500 for April. Imagine my suprise when I logged in to statcounter this morning and saw we'd gone over 5000! I'm not sure of the signifigance of that, since I don't sell ads or anything, but it makes me feel very special. Thank you all!
Normal posting should resume shortly.


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