I think I might have a slight addiction to vintage purses


And that's not all of them. (Please note that I'm also posting this photo as a sort of time capsule: at one point in time, my bedroom was not a mess. Truly it is momentous.)

I'm tired today. I've been pushing myself all week, trying to finish up school pictures for a local homeschool group. Last night we had a family photo shoot (pictures soon, I hope!) and then we had grocery shopping to do in preparation for the weekend, and then I decided that I needed to clean more of the house. So, yeah. My brain is fuzzy right now.

But the girls are coming this weekend, so we're going yardsaling, (yard saleing?) and I promise to take pictures. Until then!


marta said…
i love this idea. honestly, what a great way to show off your lovely pieces and enjoy all of them as pieces of art. you are one passionate purse collector!
Anonymous said…
Oh ya. Love the purses. Good idea. A wall of purses. What a display.

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