things I did this weekend that didn't get properly photographed

  • hosted a slumber party for my youngest sister-in-law (truly there are only so many pictures you can take of girls stuffing their faces and watching movies)
  • finished the baby bonnet/bootie set I've been working on. Unfortunately, I've already given it away, so there are no pictures. Suffice it to say that it was cute.
  • baked cherry brownies. This was a great success, though, so I think I'm going to try making them again and this time add a cheesecake element to the mix. And for that I'll take pictures and share a recipe.
  • had a birthday. I'm 26, people! Closer than ever to thirty! And I think I look my age (finally!) but I'm really not sure.
  • thrifted some awesomely lovely treasures. Maybe I'll take pictures of these later.


Who me? said…
Happy Birthday, then!

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