They tell me I look like her

And to me, that's a compliment.

my grandparents

These are my grandparents, Fred and Barbara. They're pretty much the coolest old people I know; my grandpa still works nights as a nurses' aide (he claims that he takes care of old people) and grandma helped out in a preschool until recently. This summer she fell and broke her leg, so right now she's in a wheelchair while she works on getting her strength back. That's why we were up there last night; all the kids and grandkids in the area are taking turns taking them dinner while she can't cook.
Ever since I was young they've told me I look like grandma. It's harder to see the resemblance now, but I think it has something to do with sparkly blue eyes and chubby cheeks. Anyway, if it has to do with personality I take it as a compliment, because she is the most gracious, patient, loving person I know. (She has awful taste in books, but that's ok.)
Anyway, these are the grands.


Unknown said…
I can totally see how you look like her!! I think it's the eyes :) Your grandparents are beautiful people!!
Lauryl Lane said…
wow, i'd say they are a fine looking set of grandparents! haha as to the taste in books... pray tell, how bad is it? ;)
softspoken said…
they're adorable!

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