a peek at the workspace
This started as a picture of the LewisCat, and turned into a shot of the whole workspace. Not the most interesting post ever, but I always like to see how others work, so here goes.
On the left: printer, covered with the latest Interweave knits and other random magazines. That ball of orange yarn behind it is part of the latest WIP, which is almost done. Pictures soon! Under the cat (currently referred to as "Cuddlepig" because he is greedy for cuddles): my Moleskinne planner that pretty much has everything in it. Above the cat: the wicked awesome power strip that everything plugs into. Pen jar contains Sharpies, pens, and an emery board. Because I'm a girl. Post its are current editing projects in order of priority. Picture on the screen is from the latest senior shoot (sister in law). Lovely, no? Large Starbucks cup is for water. Television screen to the right is my lifesaver; editing is a surprisingly boring activity, so I'm currently working my way through West Wing as I work.
What does your workspace look like? Desk, kitchen counter, workroom, craft area, whatever. Show me where you get most of your work done!