an explanation/apology

I know, I haven't posted any outfit pictures lately. There's a legitimate reason for that; last week was horrendously bad in the outfit department. This week is showing signs of improvement (belted grandpa cardi, anyone?), but my camera is in southern ohio, taking pictures of deer both before and after slaying. It shall return tonight with the slayer.
Last night was spent sewing on Christmas formals for the girls. Eli's is looking quite lovely--I should be able to attach the skirt tonight. Lee's, on the other hand, is going to be much more time consuming. I fitted the muslin last night, but I have yet to cut the actual fabric. (We're doing sheer black layered over hot pink satin.) We also watched White Christmas and spent the whole movie envying Vera-Ellen's figure. Of course, I just learned that the reason she wore high necks throughout the whole film was to cover the premature aging caused by her aneorexia. So she wasn't "just built that way," as we had hoped.


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