Thanksgiving, the report

the much laughed-at list
All in all, it was a lovely day. The turkey was fat and happy, we had enough mashed potatoes and dressing (despite a last-minute scare that produced an extra pan), and we all ate more than was probably healthy. I've had Thanksgiving leftovers for every meal since, and I'm still not tired of them.
The cranberry sauce was a success. I made the mistake of sending it all home with people, so I haven't had any to munch, but I have extra cranberries in the freezer. I might make another batch--that stuff is good when put on top of a salad containing shredded turkey.
My inlaws concluded that angel biscuits are indeed good, although they think it's funny that I mock their family tradition of having cinnamon rolls at Thanksgiving dinner. (Seriously!) I have some leftovers that I think will be turned into bread pudding.
My favorite veggie of the day was the leeks au gratin. I didn't get a picture (my husband got the job of photographer, and he wasn't doing too much), but they were suprisingly simple and delicious. It's making me hungry just thinking about them.
After dinner we took down the tables that were filling our living room, drank coffee, and played Scum while we waited for our food to settle. And that night we continued our Thanksgiving tradition of a movie marathon by watching all three Terminator movies. (I had to quit halfway through 2 because of having to work Friday.)
Altogether it was a good day, I think. A hard day, in some respects, but a good one.
the table prior to being laden


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