
Showing posts from 2010

best of 2010

goals for 2011

project 52, week 35

in praise of christmas cheer

self-portrait project

self-portrait, world aids day

wednesday wonderfulness, no, I'm not dead

in which I am apologetic

self-portrait day


in case you need a little bit of color in your day

getting started on the Christmas shopping

wednesday wonderfulness

self-portrait, again

wednesday wonderfulness

self-portrait sunday

currently addicted to

wednesday wonderfulness

to my sister on the day of her marriage

project 52, week 28

in which I share my terrible taste in music

wednesday wonderfulness, I'm too tired to think

in which I obsess over garland

sometimes pop music just makes monday bettter

self-portrait sunday

wednesday wonderfulness


beauty out of trash

self-portrait sunday

wednesday wonderfulness

over-the-knee boots for beginners

self portrait day

wednesday wonderfulness

wednesday wonderfulness

self-portrait sunday

need this

wednesday wonderfulness

currently obsessing over: over-the-knee boots

self-portrait sunday


this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

in which I play with film