a dismal sort of mess

Inspired by all the amazing granny squares I'm seeing around the internet, I've been inspired to learn to crochet. So, being a good little homeschooled child (I still firmly believe that everything you could ever want to know is in a book somewhere), I checked out a book.
So. Not. Happening. You know, I'm sure that when I learned to knit I was this awkward, but mercifully I can no longer remember the part where everything is fiddly, and I have 17 thumbs, and my yarn keeps splitting and I keep dropping my work and that chain stitch makes it quite tricksy to discern where the next stitch goes and...suffice it to say that I was not successful. I didn't even save my misshapen lumpiness to take a picture; I frogged it all and rolled it into a ball.
Maybe tonight's attempt will go better.


Anonymous said…
I should have known you were a fellow homeschooler. Just shoulda known.

I wish I could offer advice on the crochet dilemma! While I've effectively mastered crochet, knitting will always be my first love. Persevere!

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