see, you want to be my friend and have babies because I made very cute gifts

finally the baby sweaters are done! sweater edges
The pattern is from Mason-Dixon Knitting, with a few modifications. I didn't use a ribbon closure as they suggested because a) it's too girly, and b) what mum has time to tie things up? and c) thirty seconds is all it takes for the wee one to snag it and untie. So I used buttons and a loop. I also added velcro dots on the inside, to keep the flaps in place.
I used a different edging technique on each sweater just for fun. Well, except for the garter stitch sweater; that's just plain garter.


Lauryl Lane said…
oh my god. love love love. i'll be sure to let you know when i decide to have a bebe. ;) also, love how the blog is looking these days, how do you do that charming tab business under your logo?
VDOprincess said…
Thanks so much! The pattern is wayway simple if you're a knitter, and I have a feeling they'll go over very well.

The tap thing is part of the new template, which I found here. Unfortunately I have no idea how to do them otherwise.
Laura, those are amazing. I <3.
joy said…
These make me want kids just so I can get cute stuff like this from you.

Or, you could GIVE ME A NAMESAKE and I would give YOU cute gifts. Yes?

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